Celebrate National Watermelon Day With Mia Belle Girls
Happy National Watermelon Day! What's that? Have you never heard of such a thing? Well, are you in for a refreshing treat! Here are some fun facts, cute Mia Belle outfits, and ways to celebrate watermelon on August 3rd. What a great way to finish off the Summer and head into Fall than with this refreshing and nutritious treat!

 Did you know watermelons....
* Aren't actually melons at all, but a type of berry called a pepo
* Are grown on a vine
* Are both a fruit and a vegetable, just like a tomato
* Consist of about 92% water, making it one of the best hydration foods
* Contains the vitamins A, B6, B5, B1, and C, which help with your immune system, skin, and bones
* Originate from Africa but can grow in nearly every country on earth
* Have more than 1,200 varieties. Now, that's a lot of watermelons!
* Can be cooked as well as eaten raw
* Can be grown at home

What to wear to celebrate the occasion
Girls "Pass the Watermelon" Ruffles Knot Top and Watermelon Skirt Set

This outfit perfectly encompasses how we all feel about this sweet, refreshing snack. The White top shows off "Pass the Watermelon" test while the skirt mimics a bright and lovely slice complete with green rind and black seeds.
Girls You are One in a Melon One Piece Swimsuit with Matching Headband

Thinking of celebrating near the water? Perfect! This super-cute one-piece swimsuit also looks like a giant slice of watermelon. She'll love the halter top style and skirt base made for twirling. Not only does it come with a matching headband, but the punny name makes it so worth the purchase.
Girls Watermelon Fairy Tutu Dress Halloween Costume

The Watermelon Fairy is here to sprinkle seeds, share slices, and spread love this Watermelon Day! The tutu-style dress features lots of fluttery tulle and watermelon seed applique. It even comes with a sweet floral headband. An adorable costume for celebrating this occasion, but great for Halloween and playing pretend as well.
Girls One in a Melon Pajama Tank Top Set

Keep the party going all night long with the cutest watermelon pajamas you have ever seen. The tank top reads "One In A Melon," with a sweet slice of watermelon reaching out for a hug. And the shorts come covered with flowers and even more adorable melons. Did we mention it's watermelon scented? It's guaranteed to keep its sweet scent for up to 10 washes! Now that's a berry good way to end a holiday!
Fun ways you can celebrate togetherÂ
Read books on the subject!
While there are plenty of books about watermelons, here are a few fun illustrated stories surrounding the refreshing fruit your sweet girl will adore. Read them together and discuss what you see, what you learn, and what parts you enjoy the most! Not only does it encourage more reading, but it serves as a great way to make memories together.
One Watermelon Seed, written by Celia Lottridge and illustrated by Karen Patkau

Chasing Watermelons, written by Kevin White and illustrated by Rex White

Watermelon Wishes, written by Lisa Moser and illustrated by Stacey Schuett

Watermelon carving
the Fall, we can carve watermelons in the Summer. And because you can get watermelon is available year-round, you can take up this activity anytime! We see a future hobby in your little one's future for sure. Here are a few carving ideas, along with instructions courtesy of watermelon.org.


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