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12 Summer Self-Care Yoga Poses For Stressed Out Moms
🧘♀️Self-care looks different when you're a mom. What looks like mimosas over brunch and a shopping spree after a body massage to some, looks like having a bath with no one knocking on the door for an hour to mothers.💆♀️
🙇♀️You deserve better, ladies! But who has the time (or money) to pamper themselves these days? Take 10 minutes before getting ready in the morning and try these 12 self-care yoga poses designed to destress your body, clear your mind, and reset your spirit so you're at your best; for your family, and for yourself!🙏
Special Note: The most important thing is to go at your own pace and breathe. Seems weird to "remember" to breathe, but often we hold our breath when performing difficult tasks or in complex situations which causes added tension we carry with us all day long. Breath through the movements, not just before or after.
🤸♀️The 12 poses together make up what is known as the Sun Salutation. You won't believe the benefits of doing these simple poses! Not only does it improve focus and increase energy, it promotes weight loss and improves your flexibility. How can you say no to both looking and feeling better?🧠
Warm up your body--pun intended, with a Sun Salutation! 🌞

🙏Prayer Pose AKA Pranamasana 🙏
Stand feet together, back straight, facing forward. Bring hands over your heart into a prayer position, eyes looking ahead or closed. Inhale and exhale deeply.

🙆♀️Upward Salute AKA Hastauttanasana🙆♀️
From the Prayer Pose, inhale as you lift your chest up, arm over your head, back arched, eyes to the sky. There should be a slight bend in the back, but only go to your comfort level. Palms may face each other or touch.

🙇♀️Standing Forward Bend AKA Hasta Padasana🙇♀️
From the Upward Salute, exhale and come back to Prayer Pose. From Prayer Pose, keep your chest lifted as you bend forward, hands/fingertips landing on your shins, ankles, or floor, based on your comfort. Breathe deeply.
*This is where you might become self-conscious of your movements. Listen to your body and do what's best for you
🦵Low Lunge AKA Ashwa Sanchalanasana🦵
From the Standing Forward Bend, inhale as you ground your palms to the floor with your head looking forward. Then, with your left foot grounded, step your right foot behind you. Breathe as you slowly drop your left knee to a 90 degree angle. Your right heel does not have to touch the floor.

👩Plank AKA Dandasana👩
From the Low Lunge, send your left foot back to meet your right. Hold this position as you inhale and exhale deeply for a few breaths. This pose is about mind over matter. You can do it!

🧎♀️Knees-Chest-Chin AKA Ashtanga Namaskara🧎♀️
From the plank pose, exhale while slowly bringing your knees to the ground; heels up, toes flexed. Once grounded, hug your elbows and tuck your arms to your sides as your chest and chin come to the floor. To recap: only your hands, chin, chest, knees, and toes touch the floor. Breathe

🐍Cobra AKA Bhujangasana🐍
From for K-C-C pose, inhale as you untuck your toes, lift up from your chest and slide your body forward, so your legs are flat, back slightly arched, elbows relaxed, palms flat, eyes looking up. The position should resemble a cobra. Be sure to keep your shoulders relaxed and breathe.

🐕Downward Facing Dog AKA Adho Mukha Svānāsana🐕
From the Cobra, inhale, then exhale as you tuck your toes under and lift up from your knees, extending your hips back. Keep your hands grounded by spreading your finger wide as you lengthen your arms. Breathe deeply, sending your chest towards your thighs, engaging your core, and pressing your heels to the earth.

🦵Low Lunge AKA Ashwa Sanchalanasana🦵
From your D-F-D, we return to the forward lunge. If you don't plan to repeat the 12 poses at least once more, send your left foot back this time for a balanced stretch. See if you can deepen the bend in your front leg.

🙇♀️Standing Forward Bend Hasta Padasana🙇♀️
From your Low Lunge, we return to Standing Forward Bend with an exhale, bringing your back foot up to meet the front. If you are comfortable, deepen your stretch or elongate your breath. Be sure there is a natural bend in your knees.

🙆♀️Upward Salute AKA Hastauttanasana🙆♀️
From your S-F-B, we return to the Upward Salute with a deep inhale, reach up and extending your arms overhear, slight backbend.

🙏Prayer Pose AKA Pranamasana🙏
From the Upward Salute, we are back, at last, to our Prayer Pose. With your exhale, bring your hands down slowly to rest over your heart, palms pressed, eyes looking forward or closed. From here you may choose to repeat the 12 pose process or simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths before releasing this pose.
While going at your own comfort level and speed are most important, the entire pose cycle should take about 4 minutes. For the best of the benefits. It's recommended the Sun Salutation be done in at least 2 rounds.
And just like that, you've improved your posture, added more space in your lungs, strengthened your joints, and energized your brain, all before breakfast! Selfcare can't always be trip to the mall or a day at the spa, so take a few MOMents to celebrate your brain, your body, and your being by saluting the sun in the morning. We promise you won't regret it! Take care!
Which is your favorite pose? Do your kids join in? Let us know in the comments below. Want to see more cute content like this? Visit our Mia Belle Girls Instagram and Mia Belle Girls Official TikTok Page. Want to add a new cute outfit to your little girl's closet this summer? Enjoy $5 OFF your next $50 purchase with special code MOMBLOG!🛍️🛒
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